Hello all it’s been so long since I wrote anything I thought I better post a quick ‘photo-montage’ of the various cultural pursuits I haven’t written up over the last few weeks. Can’t believe I haven’t posted since end of November really bad form especially as I went to Israel before xmas and have done loads of cultural things since – honest miss honest. In fairness other than a wedding the most culturally active things I did when I was in Tel Aviv was get a mani-pedi. But hey I will be going back soon for the begatting which I am hotly anticipating and will incorporate trips to Nazareth, Galilee and the Dead Sea then. Also in fairness I hadn’t had a pedicure for like 2 years and therefore really really needed one, it was for the greater good of the wedding. So here, in quick photo-form, are the highlights of my cultural pursuing over the last months. They include:
The Soane Museum
Landscape, heroes and Folktales: German Romantic Prints at the British Museum Prints and Drawings room (this has got to be my favourite gallery space in London they really do have such great exhibitions and they are free – ALL FREE!)
Illuminated Manuscripts at the British Library
The Soane Museum
Landscape, heroes and Folktales: German Romantic Prints at the British Museum Prints and Drawings room (this has got to be my favourite gallery space in London they really do have such great exhibitions and they are free – ALL FREE!)
Illuminated Manuscripts at the British Library
German Romantic Prints:
Loved loved loved this exhibition – all about the Nazarenes who I didn’t knww much about but are fascinating. Here is a wiki link if you want to know more:
The Soane Museum - same old but fab as always!!
Illuminated Manuscripts BL
Never quite caught the wave of this exhibition – it was PACKED to an unbearablke degree for one thing. Also they dealt with the manuscripts very much as historical documents which is obviously correct but they made barely any aesthetic references or links at all which I thought was piss-poor seeing at 90% of the visitors will be there to look at the manuscripts as artistic works. Some really beautiful stuff though – who doesn’t love a bit of GOLD!! However, it was £9 when BL exhibs always use to be free!! You did get a free audio guide chucked in for that but to be honest, although I am usually a mega fan of the audio guide world this one wasn’t much cop and kept on having John bloody Lowdon talking and who the hell wants that, EVER.