Monday, 27 February 2012

Week 50: Freud at the NPG/Westonbirt/Wallace Collection

Hello all apologies, once again, for my long time absence from blog land – my excuse is that I am shortly starting a new (and hilariously blog-related) job and have been busy busy busy back and forth around the country handing things over and getting increasingly scared. Also I am of course monumentally lazy. So anyway, this will be a quick round up of the last few weeks of cultural pursuits.

I went back to the parental home a couple of weeks ago to celebrate, belatedly, my darling mamas birthday. We had an excellent time nosing around the charity shops – although I seem to have a talent for only picking supremely boring books at present – and of course greatly enjoyed the murder hunt!! Yes my home town was the place where that vicar got stabbed, as my mother put it; the most exciting thing to happen in Thornbury since the Norman Conquest. Obviously a horrendous thing to happen but still mucho’s amount of fun to be on the national news!! I wasn’t allowed to smoke outside after nightfall and got to stick my head out of the bathroom window instead – thus proving that every (stabbing) cloud has a silver lining. Anyway, on the Sunday we drove over to Westonbirt Arboretum which is the National Arboretum apparently (you’d think it would be Kew wouldn’t you??). This fabulous beacon of all things Victoriana is obviously well up my street. Started in 1829 – i.e. the heyday of the 19th century mania for exotic plant collection and categorisation (2 of the 3 ‘C’s of the 19th century – the 3rd obviously being colonialism) it has flourished ever since. Obviously not being particularly green of finger I don’t have a huge amount to say about the specimens viewed, also all the information kept telling us was that ‘this species is under threat’ – seriously, all the bloody species seem to be under threat, it was a tad depressing. But one thing that did stick out was the Wollemi Pine which dates back over 200 million years. They thought it was extinct long ago and only knew about it from fossils but then some guy was wandering around some valley in Australia and found it! It’s the most hardy thing ever and actually survived a Nuclear Holocaust – there are trees which survived Hiroshima apparently. Anyway it reminded me of this painting by Francis Danby called The Upas, or Poison-Tree, in the Island of Java, one of my favourite in the V&A:

I have been using up leftover leave days before I move departments so I took a Monday off and decided that would be the perfect time to see the Picasso show at the Tate – clearly it will be unbearably packed on any weekend day. Unfortunatly I also decided on the way that a Monday would also be the perfect day to stop in on Primark Marble Arch and after that I could no longer afford to see a £14 exhibition at the Tate. Frankly though my new cardie which was of equal price was WAY more value for money. Instead I wandered over to the Wallace Collection which is free and therefore excellent value for money. Ahh, the lovely Wallace - place of my art historical youth etc. They’ve actually re-hung quite significantly since I was last there, which was probably a few years ago now I think about it. Every time you go you spot some new treasure. My favourite part of the whole place is obviously the tiling which once covered an entire room but now can only be glimpsed in one small corner – cant believe they would rip this out, sometime in the 30s or 40s I think – I guess we should be glad the building remains in general as most of the old London mansions seem to have been bulldozed around this time.

This Reynolds picture is, in my humble opinion, one of his all time finest portraits.

My very very favourite piece in the collection has to be this fabulously erotic painting by Ary Scheffer which depicts The Ghosts of Paolo and Francesca Appear to Dante and Virgil – these were two fornicators condemned to one of the many circles of hell for adultery. Bloody hell though if you looked like that wouldn’t you adult? LOVE this pic.

They also have some really juicy Vernet’s which are always good for a laugh and I also always enjoy these two Van Dykes.

Following my Monday off I took the Friday of that week as annual leave as well and skipped along to the Freud show at the National Portrait Gallery with the mama, who was in London this time. I went to see the big Freud retrospective they had a few years ago with my dad and it was many of the same pieces. It’s his early stuff I really like and this was a new piece to me, a simply stunning self portrait:

It’s when you see images like this, the beloved straggly pot plant that you realise despite being a portraitist Freud clearly had pretty much zero interest in people. Instead everything is treated uniformly; the leaves on this plant are of equal importance to the people sitting in front of it in other portraits in which it featured:

There’s something slightly off balance about the way the studio space features throughout the work of Freud. You always know where you are, you always get the sense that this is Freud’s studio, his space, which is both artificial but also pointedly domestic, almost confrontational in a way. It places all his figures very much as models, not people, in his environment and not their own. They are treated as subjects only, and the naming of most of his works in generic ‘portrait of a women’ type ways heightens this sense of the impersonal and disconnected. It also, if we are going to engage in a bit of dated Clarkist discourse, places them very much in the role of the naked rather than nude. These are real people, but we know nothing about them, and it’s uncomfortable in a way you don’t feel when standing in front of an idealised nude, we are made to see them almost as figures in the life of Freud, not people in their own right.

One other thing that struck me about his work was how unbelievably backwards and dated he must have seen in the 60s. Everyone else is changing the world, changing art, changing the way we viewed ourselves – and he is producing painterly swirls on canvas. What must Warhol have thought??? Love the one above - quote from Tissot I think?

Anyway some very enjoyable cultural pursuits over the last couple of weeks. See you soon!!

Monday, 6 February 2012

Week 49: ICA and White Cube

Morning everyone. Today I’m feeling like total shit because I spontaneously, and therefore unwisely, lobbed off all my hair last week. I now have a shitty bob – or not even a bob it looks like a grown out version of something that use to be a bob. I look about 12 am totally mortified and depressed will take over 3 years to grow it out to its old length and I look like total crap. Really feel like crying right here and now. Just what you need when you’re trying to find a nice boyfriend. Feel like shaving the whole thing off. Anyway am too miserable to write much today which is lucky because I haven’t got much to say.

On Saturday I went to a show at the ICA but to be honest didn’t really stay that long. Upstairs there was an exhibition of video work by the artist Lis Rhodes. I have literally no idea what it was about but the work was actually very beautiful – and that’s saying something from me as I think the vast vast majority of video work is total shit. Beyond shit. Anyway if you want to know more here is a link, its something about dissonance:

Then downstairs they have a very uninspiring exhibition called In Numbers; Serial Publications by artists since 1955. Catchy. This was actually just a room full of vitrines with magazines in them. I think the idea behind the show, i.e. “a survey exhibition of the often-overlooked genre of serial publications produced by artists around the world from 1955 to the present day” is a valid one but god there has to be better ways of displaying work than that? Anyway they had some nice stuff and all but was pretty uninspiring. Am sure 95% of the artists who create stuff like this are just doing it for the cash.

Anyway, I forgot to say in my last round up that I also went to see the White Cube South/Bermondsey a few weeks ago which totally blew me away – what an amazing space!! Both outside and in – although it’s bigger than the bloody Tate Modern practically. The show they had on when I was there was Anselm Keifer which was pretty awesome work if you like things that are MASSIVE – which I do.

Thursday, 26 January 2012

Week 48: lots of stuff on the quick

Hello all it’s been so long since I wrote anything I thought I better post a quick ‘photo-montage’ of the various cultural pursuits I haven’t written up over the last few weeks. Can’t believe I haven’t posted since end of November really bad form especially as I went to Israel before xmas and have done loads of cultural things since – honest miss honest. In fairness other than a wedding the most culturally active things I did when I was in Tel Aviv was get a mani-pedi. But hey I will be going back soon for the begatting which I am hotly anticipating and will incorporate trips to Nazareth, Galilee and the Dead Sea then. Also in fairness I hadn’t had a pedicure for like 2 years and therefore really really needed one, it was for the greater good of the wedding. So here, in quick photo-form, are the highlights of my cultural pursuing over the last months. They include:

The Soane Museum

Landscape, heroes and Folktales: German Romantic Prints at the British Museum Prints and Drawings room (this has got to be my favourite gallery space in London they really do have such great exhibitions and they are free – ALL FREE!)

Illuminated Manuscripts at the British Library


German Romantic Prints:

Loved loved loved this exhibition – all about the Nazarenes who I didn’t knww much about but are fascinating. Here is a wiki link if you want to know more:


The Soane Museum - same old but fab as always!!


Illuminated Manuscripts BL

Never quite caught the wave of this exhibition – it was PACKED to an unbearablke degree for one thing. Also they dealt with the manuscripts very much as historical documents which is obviously correct but they made barely any aesthetic references or links at all which I thought was piss-poor seeing at 90% of the visitors will be there to look at the manuscripts as artistic works. Some really beautiful stuff though – who doesn’t love a bit of GOLD!! However, it was £9 when BL exhibs always use to be free!! You did get a free audio guide chucked in for that but to be honest, although I am usually a mega fan of the audio guide world this one wasn’t much cop and kept on having John bloody Lowdon talking and who the hell wants that, EVER.